Andrew Tate

You may have seen this name pop up in the news, or you may have heard about him from your children. Find out who he is, why he’s in the news, the risks he poses and how to talk about him at home.

Who is Andrew Tate?

  • Social media influencer with over 5 million followers on Twitter
  • Former professional kickboxer
  • Previous Big Brother contestant

Why is he in the news?

In 2022, Andrew Tate was banned from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok due to his controversial and misogynistic (hatred and discrimination against women) posts.

In December 2022, he was arrested in Romania along with his brother on suspicion of human trafficking, organised crime and rape.

How does this affect our children?

Andrew Tate, sometimes referred to as the ‘king of misogyny’, is a famous and influential figure on social media, even after being banned. He draws a lot of attention to his extreme wealth, luxury lifestyle and possessions, such as his expensive cars.

Children may still see his content (as other people can still share his posts) and may believe that acting and thinking like he does will lead to fame, fortune and success.

He promotes ideas such as:

  • Men are more important and more powerful than women
  • Violence against woman is okay
  • Men shouldn’t show emotion

He has said things like:

  • “I think the women belong to the man”
  • “[Women are] intrinsically lazy”
  • “[There is] no such thing as an independent female”
  • “Depression isn’t real”
  • “The hallmark of a real man is controlling himself, controlling his emotions, and acting appropriately regardless of how he feels”

We know children are talking about Andrew Tate, and boys in particular are being influenced and ‘groomed’ by his views, with concerns that his power and influence could lead to radicalisation and violence against women. Girls are also in danger of accepting that what he says about women is true (i.e. that they’re worth less than men).

What can we do as parents?

We are talking about topics raised by Andrew Tate in school.

However, children are less likely to listen to influencers such as Andrew Tate if they are having similar conversations reinforced at home.

We recommend you:

  1. Read recent news articles about Andrew Tate, if you’re not already familiar with him (you can find some in the ‘Sources’ box below).
  2. Ask your child what they’re getting up to online – show genuine interest, don’t judge them or tell them what they should and shouldn’t be doing. Children are more likely to share if they feel you’re interested, rather than trying to check up on them.
  3. Have open discussions about Andrew Tate – don’t tell your child how to think, but question their thinking and understanding. Ask if they believe what Andrew Tate says, for example his comments that women “belong” to men, and how that might make the women in their lives feel, or they themselves feel. The charity Bold Voices have a great toolkit to help with this, which you can find in the ‘Sources’ box below.
  4. Be role models – encourage your child to be open with their emotions. Teach them that it’s okay to cry if you’re sad. Show respect for women and girls, and encourage your child to model this behaviour.
Children cheering